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Review Guidelines

Customer Product Review Guidelines

Easyinsmile.com reserves the right not to post a product review if it contains any of the following:

1. Obscene, nude or offensive language
2. Advertisements, "spam" content, or references to other products, offers, websites
3. Email addresses, phone numbers, URLs or other forms of contact information
4. Critical or spiteful comments about other product reviews posted on the page or their authors
5. Replies to existing customer reviews (Please leave discussions to the forums)
6. Info that changes, such as price & promotional details
7. Questions about product selection, pricing, ordering, delivery or other Customer Service issues (please contact us or click "Help" at the top of the page to find what youre looking for)
8. Any information not related to the product
Easyinsmile.com may change these policies at any time without notice.

We try to check and post product reviews within 2 business days of their submission. If a review is not posted after that time, it may have violated one of the guidelines above and therefore did not get approved. Following the guidelines on this page will ensure your product review is posted.

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